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The best foods to eat when you have high blood pressure

The best foods to eat when you have high blood pressure

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High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition in which the long-term force of blood against your artery walls is so high that it causes heart diseases. Now what is normal blood pressure count? If your blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg, then you have a normal blood pressure. In India a survey of 2020 suggests that Indians above 60 years of age suffer from high blood pressure comparatively this problem is found less among the youth population. The average blood pressure rate in that year was recorded as 118/76.

How is blood pressure determined?

How is blood pressure determined

It is determined both by the amount of blood your pumps and the amount of resistance of the blood flow in the arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your artery is, you may have high blood pressure. The measurement of blood pressure is given in mm (Hg).

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Some symptoms of high blood pressure may sound normal such as shortness of breath or nose bleeding, but these are not specific symptoms of it and usually do not occur until it reaches a life-threatening stage. Some more symptoms of high blood pressure are fatigue and confusion, vision problems, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, blood in the urine.


There are two types of high blood pressure

Primary hypertension

Primary hypertension

Primary or essential hypertension occurs when your blood pressure is abnormally high. It usually happens due to unhealthy diet, obesity, and family history.

Secondary hypertension

Secondary hypertension

Secondary high blood pressure is a condition that is caused by another medical condition that affects your kidneys, arteries, heart and endocrine system. It can also occur during pregnancy.

Risk factors

High blood pressure has many risks which include.



As you age the condition of high blood pressure can cause a risk to your life. In men the risk of high blood pressure is observed at the age 64, and in women it is at the age of 63.



High blood pressure conditions are hereditary, they run in a family history. It has a high possibility of passing from one generation to another.



When you are overweight your body needs more blood to supply oxygen and nutrients. Which creates pressure on your blood vessels and can cause high blood pressure conditions.

Salt intake

Salt intake

High intake of sodium can cause, high rate of blood pressure as too much sodium retains the fluid in your blood.



Using tobacco not only raises your blood pressure, but the chemicals of tobacco also damage the walls of arteries. Which ultimately affects the supply of blood in your body. This can narrow your arteries and can increase the risk of heart diseases.

Alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption

Drinking can cause the risk of heart failure. One drink in women, and two in men for a day can cause high blood pressure. Drinking can cause serious results of cancer and heart attacks also.

What are some of the best foods to lower blood pressure?

Citrus fruit

Citrus fruit

Citrus fruit, grapefruit, oranges and lemon are effective in lowering blood pressure. They are loaded with minerals, vitamins and plant compounds. That keeps the heart healthy and away from the risk of high blood pressure. So, try to make these fruits a part of your routine to have a healthy heart.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are small but they have a punch of nutrients in it. They are concentrated sources of nutrients that are important for blood pressure control. Pumpkin includes magnesium, potassium, and arginine, an amino acid which is necessary for production of nitric oxide. It helps to relax the blood vessels and reduce blood pressure.



Berries are found to have been enriched with antioxidants, which works impressively for high bloop pressure. Anthocyanin antioxidants tend to increase the nitric oxide, that helps to reduce blood pressure. Raspberries, blueberries, chokeberries, cloudberries are some of the berries associated with lowering the risk of high blood pressure.



Pistachio is a bag of potential nutrients which regulates a healthy heart. It is found that it is strongly recommended to a high blood pressure patient as it is very effective to lower the flow of blood in minimum time. Moreover, pistachio is the strongest nut to have high yielding blood pressure control power.


CarrotsCrunchy red carrots are highly beneficial to high blood pressure patients. Normally, it is a diet of many. It can be eaten cooked or raw, but it is referred to eating them raw because it is more beneficial. It has a high phenolic compound which essentially lowers blood pressure. The studies suggest that raw intake of carrot for at least 3 months is helpful in lowering SBP and DBP.



A popular veggie is found to be significantly effective in controlling blood pressure. It reduces inflammation as it contains a compound called phthalides. The same study associated with carrots has shown that eating cooked celery is effective in lowering and controlling blood pressure. It relaxes the blood vessels.

Tomato products

Tomato products

Tomato products such as juice and salad are effective in controlling high blood pressure it includes potassium and carotenoid pigment, lycopene. Lycopene relaxes the blood vessels, regulates sound blood flow and reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks due to high blood pressure.



Spinach is high in nitrates. It is loaded with anti-oxidants, potassium and calcium. Which helps to regulate uniform blood pressure. Making an excellent choice for high blood pressure patients.


The problem of high blood pressure and hypertension is most common especially in India. The studies shows that one in eight Indian suffers from high blood pressure which is around 207 million. The problem of high blood pressure can be controlled by performing healthy eating habits. Mostly, which includes vegetables, fruits and nuts. Moreover, to get reduced blood pressure and decrease inflammation, and for healthy food regulation, performing light exercise daily can also yield high results in lowering blood pressure. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is a cure for every disease.

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