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7 Home Remedies to Cure Hair Fall


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Are you tired of those regular hair fall issues? It is indeed heartbreaking to see the precious tresses of your long and beautiful hair all over the comb and floor. The hair fall problem is becoming common in both men and women. And there are various reasons that lead to hair fall like stress, use of chemical products, unhealthy diet, hormonal imbalance, improper sleep, PCOS, thyroid, and overuse of dyes.

So to cure your hair fall problem, you can say hello to some of the natural home remedies. Although you might prefer a chemical remedy for hair loss to see instant results, going natural is always the best solution as it doesn’t have any side effects. Besides, the results of these remedies are long-lasting and appreciable. Fortunately, we feel good to have some of the popular and trusted home remedies to cure hair fall that everyone can use.

Here are the top seven home remedies to cure hair fall that you can try at home and make the most out of nature. Most of the ingredients used for these remedies can be easily found in your own kitchen!

List of home remedies to cure hair fall:

  1. Aloe Vera:
  2. Aloe VeraAloe Vera is one of the most effective home remedies that cure hair fall by promoting hair growth. It is packed with more than 75 nutrients that include 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, and 18 amino acids. It also plays an essential role in maintaining the pH levels of your hair and the scalp. The gel extracted from its leaves is rich in antioxidants and offers soothing, anti-inflammatory, and protective benefits for that hair.

    To avail the benefits of Aloe Vera, you can extract its pulp from the leaf or stalk and rub it gently into your hair. Keep massaging it in circular motions, leave it for around 15 minutes, and then rinse with water. Make sure to wash your hair before rubbing the leaf into them. Repeat this method thrice a week to see the results.

  3. Onion Juice to Cure Hair Fall:
  4. onionOnion juice is considered to be the most effective and prominent home remedies to cure hair fall. It contains sulphur, which boosts the collagen production in your tissues and helps in re-growing the hair. This juice’s strong smell goes away after one rinse, so don’t try to avoid this remedy because of the smell.

    You can make this home remedy by cutting a few slices of onion and squeezing out its juice. You can do it either by mashing or grating. After removing the juice, apply it to your hair and keep it for about 10-15 minutes. Let it do its work for a while, and then rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.

  5. Amla (Indian Gooseberry):
  6. AmlaDeficiency of Vitamin C is one of the possible causes of hair loss. That is when you can use amla (Indian Gooseberry) to cure the hair fall problem as it is rich in Vitamin C. It is considered a powerhouse of nutrients as it provides strength to the hair follicles, which prevents hair fall. Additionally, it purifies the blood and enhances natural hair colour by preventing pre-mature greying of hair.

    There are two home remedies of amla that can cure your hair loss problem. You can use any one of these as per your convenience. For the first one, take the dried amla and boil it with coconut oil until it becomes black. Let this oil come to normal temperature, and then massage it on your scalp. Leave the hair like this for 20 minutes, and then rinse with a mild shampoo. Repeat this method twice a week for better results.

    To create the second remedy, you can mix two teaspoons of amla juice or powder with equal amounts of lime juice. Apply this mixture to your scalp and let it dry. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. This remedy will also help you prevent hair pigmentation.

  7. Coconut Milk to cure hair loss:
  8. Coconut JuiceCoconut milk is also considered to be an effective home remedy for curing hair loss problems as it is rich in proteins, essential fats, and minerals like potassium. All these nutrients are good for hair re-growth, and they also control hair fall effectively. To use the coconut milk for curing your hair loss problem, you need to grate the coconut and squeeze its milk. Apply this milk to your scalp with either your hand or a hair dye brush. Make sure to apply this milk to the hair tips as well because it acts as a conditioner. Cover the hairs with a towel and leave them for 20 minutes. Then remove it and wash your hair with a mild shampoo and cold water.

  9. Apple Cider Vinegar:
  10. Apple Cider Vinegar is the next item in our list of home remedies to cure hair loss. This vinegar gently exfoliates the scalp and maintains the pH balance of the hair. This helps prevent hair fall and thereby accelerates new hair growth. The apple cider vinegar also keeps the scalp healthy by removing harmful bacteria.

    Make a diluted solution by mixing 75ml of apple cider vinegar into one litre of water for a larger batch. If you have a smaller batch, then consider mixing 15ml of apple cider vinegar into a cup of warm filtered water. Use this solution for the final rinse after washing your hair. Through this method, you will observe a boost in your hair growth and also see an added shine.

  11. Eggs to cure hair loss:
  12. EggsEggs are widely used to cure hair loss, so you can try this home remedy for some good results. Eggs help you get rid of the hair loss by stimulating your scalp and giving nutrition to the hair follicles. The nutrients present in the egg strengthen the hair roots and prevent their loss. Besides, the egg yolk contains biotin, which improves the elasticity of hair by hydrating them. Moreover, eggs can avoid breakage and prevent the increase of split-ends.

    To create the egg mask for hair, you need to separate one egg white in a cup and add one teaspoon of olive oil. You can also use lavender oil or grape seed oil in place of olive oil. Take some honey, make the paste and apply it over your scalp and hair for about 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and a mild shampoo.

  13. Fenugreek Seeds (Methi):
  14. Fenugreek seedsFenugreek also works as an effective natural remedy to cure hair loss. It contains proteins and nicotinic acid, which helps enhance hair growth and also rebuilds the hair follicles. To use fenugreek as a natural home remedy for your hair loss, soak its seeds in water overnight. Next day, grind these seeds and make a paste which you can spread on the scalp. Apply it from the roots to the hair tips, and then cover your hair with a shower cap. Leave it for around 40 minutes, and then rinse with cold water. Repeat this twice a month.


If you want to control your hair loss and treat it, then make sure you try these home remedies as they are safe and effective.

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